For the past year, Dr. Hassan Diab has been detained in the largest prison in Europe and denied bail, even though no decision has been made about whether (or not) to refer his case to trial. Under French law, Hassan can be detained for years as the case is investigated. In many ways, his case is a set-up for wrongful conviction based on allegations — not facts — that a Canadian judge admitted would never stand up in a Canadian court of law.
A new documentary is being made about Hassan’s case. Several interviews have already been filmed and more will follow. The plan is to use interviews and other information to put the documentary together — a process that takes several weeks of work. In the meantime, we have a short teaser based on excerpts from interviews with Dr. Rania Tfaily (Hassan’s wife) and Don Bayne (Hassan’s Canadian lawyer). To see the teaser, please visit:
We are about three quarters of the way towards our goal of raising $15,000 to cover the cost of the documentary. Please consider contributing to our Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to help us publicize Hassan’s case and prevent his wrongful conviction.
To donate, please visit: http://igg.me/at/diab-doc-2015 and click on the “CONTRIBUTE NOW” button (you have the option to donate anonymously). Any amount — no matter how small — helps. Donations in excess of $15,000 will go towards Hassan’s legal defence.
A big Thank You to everyone who has donated already.
Please share the above page with your friends and networks.
Thank you.
The Nightmare (by Hassan Diab)
It is dark; it is night
I lay awake waiting
For the nightmare to end
It is light; it is day
The nightmare is still there
Always there; at all times
I eat; I read; I sleep and
The nightmare is my companion
It never leaves me
I beg, I plead, but it never goes away
Sometimes I see slight glimpses of my old life
So much has changed; so much has been lost
I wonder how and why
I wonder when the truth will shine
I wonder when I will be free
Hassan Diab Support Committee
Web: http://www.justiceforhassandiab.org
Email: diabsupport@gmail.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/friendsofhassandiab
Twitter: http://twitter.com/friendsofhdiab
Blog: http://friendsofhassandiab.blogspot.com